About KEI Europe

Who We Are

KEI Europe seeks to push the boundaries of knowledge resource management and to leverage intellectual property policies to ensure equitable and affordable access to knowledge and medical technologies globally.

KEI Europe develops informed, innovative solutions that address business, government, and market failures and promotes reforms that provide for public needs worldwide. As consumers and policymakers search for solutions, KEI Europe is working to support positive, sustainable reforms through a variety of project areas and activities.

Where We Work

KEI Europe serves as the headquarters for our European and global policy efforts. Owing to its Geneva location and the invaluable contacts and experience of our staff, KEI Europe is able to tap directly into the vein of global IP and health policy through our presence and reputation in decisionmaking bodies of international and intergovernmental organizations such as the World Intellectual Property Organization, the World Health Organization, the European Union, and the World Trade Organization.

KEI Europe’s geographic focus is broad, covering global trade policies, international organizations, and governments in low, middle, and high income countries.

How We Work

In the course of our efforts to increase access to knowledge and medicines, KEI Europe:

  • undertakes and publishes research on the effects of current IP policies and potential opportunities for reform;
  • engages in global public interest advocacy;
  • provides technical advice to governments, NGOs and firms;
  • enhances transparency of policy making, monitors actions of key actors; and
  • provides forums for interested persons to discuss and debate knowledge ecology topics.


KEI Europe is a not-for-profit Swiss association with offices in Geneva, Switzerland. For our address and other ways to reach KEI Europe please visit our Contact page.